A skid steer is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment there is because of its small size, maneuverability, and power. Part of what makes a skid steer useful for so many different applications is that there are different attachments, such as Titan Attachments backhoe, that can be swapped out as needed to handle each individual job.
As with any other piece of equipment, a skid steer needs regular maintenance to keep it in proper working order. This means regular diagnostics to check for problems, care of the tracks and tires, and making modifications to operation during cold weather.
If you buy your attachments instead of renting them, these also require maintenance. Here are some tips to help make maintaining your skid steer attachments easier.
1. Choose the Right Size of Attachment
Skid steers come in different sizes, which means that not all attachments are interchangeable. When looking for grapple buckets for sale, be sure that they are appropriate to the size of skid steer that you have. They should also be compatible in terms of horsepower and hydraulic capabilities.
2. Check Fluids Frequently
Depending on the type of skid steer you own, you may either need to keep the attachments lubricated or maintain the hydraulic fluid level. Otherwise, the attachment will not function properly, if at all. Before you get to work, you should perform a check of the hydraulic fluid level, adding to it if necessary. This is especially important if you use your skid steer for snow removal during the winter months because cold temperatures can cause the fluids to congeal.
3. Perform Frequent Inspections
All your attachments should receive frequent inspections to be sure that they are still in proper working order. This involves checking the components, such as the cylinders, guards, hoses, and teeth for signs of contamination, as well as the cutting edges and blades for signs of wear. For example, if you purchase a skid steer root rake, you should be sure that the teeth are all in good condition before getting to work.
4. Look to the Manual for Guidance
Not all skid steer attachments need maintenance on the same schedule. Attachments, unlike the skid steer itself, do not let you know when maintenance is needed with the help of hour meters. Fortunately, the manual will inform you how often a particular attachment should have maintenance performed.
5. Keep Attachments Clean
Dirt, metal, and water can all get into the oil of the attachment and contaminate it. This is not good for either the attachment or the skid steer itself. Check the attachment before putting it on, and use a rag to wipe off the connection before putting it on the skid steer.
Contamination of hydraulics is more likely when you rent attachments. This is because the cleaning and maintenance in between rentals are not always as thorough as you would prefer. You may be able to prevent contamination by purchasing your own attachments from a reputable online dealer. This way, you are responsible for maintenance and can ensure that it gets done how and when it is supposed to.